Conversation Between Ryno and LP_Phoenix

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday LP!
    Hope you have a Great one!
    Def. need a message since 2 / 1
  2. just got a rare map. thought of you and thinking you might want to do forest again.
  3. nope sry, no message on psu...maybe bb? no pm....but still thx XD
  4. happy birthday. hope you got my message on psu
  5. Oh really?
    yes I'm using that time.
  6. lol thx....but for me here in germany its 6th oct yet...10:48 pm....but okay, u used forum time or something like that right? so thx again and cya
  7. Happy 21st Birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7