Conversation Between kazuuya and Shinji Kazuya

13 Visitor Messages

  1. O: Lolz no problem man! You can spam all ya want
  2. Yeah. I don't care if they only localize it in english or in other languages they just need to hurry up. xD Okay sorry for spamming on your Profile so much. ;A;
  3. That's pretty much all we can do. Let's hope they hurry.
  4. Same here. *A* I just saw that Videos and I was all like:"WTFASDFABSJASJHAJHS *mind blow*"
    It's actually the first time I could say:"That the Game I always wanted!"
    I'm just hoping they are adding some kind of Free Course to test everything out. ;A; And I hope they will hurry up with localizations.
  5. Indeed! Everything is impresive! I WANNA PLAY IT!! ;_;
  6. I started playing Phantasy Star since PSU, but I totally love it! I want to play PSO2 so much too! Especially after that awesome Videos. *A* The Character Customization is so impressing!
  7. Of course I am! I used ta play PSO and PSU all day but then the PSU PC servers closed :<
  8. Hadn't expected to see more kazuyas around, though the name's pretty popular I guess. xD I just see that you have a PSO2 Album, are you looking forward to it too? I can't wait till the beta Players can start testing it, and can make screenshots and so on. ;A;
  9. Indeed! High Five comrade! Nice ta meet ya too! :3
  10. Omg another Kazuya! Nice to meet you. High Five!
  11. o:

  12. Ah yes, it was great for me too, thanks.
  13. Ah, hello there! You're the one I played today in PSPo2! Thanks for the awesome runs, it's was fun! =3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13