Conversation Between Sp-24 and Nymeria

49 Visitor Messages

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  1. Would be glad to see you there! Although all we ever do these days is compare damage output of different weapons...
  2. I just tried it right now, and the chat works when I'm at home.
    Before I tried from work so I'm not sure if I can use the chat while I'm there. I'll have to try it again sometime, because there are times that my sequences need to save or render and I have a free couple of minutes to chat.
  3. Hi there! Still no luck in joining the chat?
  4. thank you
  5. Happy birthday! (It's 22nd here already)
  6. sounds good
  7. I've just finished my visit to Gal Da Val, give me some time. I'll join you later.
  8. we're in, but if you log in we'll join you ^_^
  9. Kagoma and I are making a room, would you like to join us? Shall we wait for you?
  10. are you available to play psz tonight?
  11. I've had that happen before. Just do what you can
  12. It did! Now my grade was actually very low, but at least I couldn't do anything about it today (it was lowered because I've skipped 75% of classes).
  13. I hope your exam went well!
  14. Thanks.
  15. ooo best of luck!! :3
  16. Not today, I'm afraid. I've got an exam in 4 hours.
  17. oh hi! Would you be interested in some more normal mode fun?
  18. EDIT: nvm, I found it ^_^ thought one of the photos you had up went missing, but it must have just needed a refresh.

    I look forward to seeing the dancing pics
  19. I've got to get going now, that was fun! ♥ Thanks for the runs!
  20. Then again, just because I added his fc from the group doesn't mean he has mine I guess... I'm kinda new at this wifi stuff
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 49
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