Conversation Between Onisia and CafeTomas

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I just got to hard mode on my RAcaseal. she has a very good mag and she is level 36
  2. Well since you haven't heard about my character lately I guess I will tell you now. First my HUcast wasn't going too well, I was struggling in the ruins and had some trouble feeding my mag. so I decided to try a HUcaseal but then I decided hunters weren't my type then I tried the RAmarl but their low defense got to me. After the RAmarl I tried the RAmar he was pretty good but once I hit the ruins I was suffering. Now I am working on a RAcaseal because of their high defense and they are perfect for my type. I am on the ruins on episode 1 and the control center in episode 2. I also found a M&A60 vise on my RAcaseal too. Also I ordered a gamecube broadband adapter last week so I will be getting it soon and will be able to connect online. Maybe one day we could meet each other online
  3. my Hucast is still growing powerful yesterday going through the mines I found a breaker. Currently it is my strongest weapon and I destroyed Vol Opt for the first time!
  4. Glad to hear you're liking the Cast! I wish I had more time to play, but I think I was only able to boot up PSO once or twice all this past week. Once you get to very hard it'll start to be more action packed as enemies will be faster and stronger as well! Have Fun!
  5. Update on the HUcast I still have him he is my best character he is lvl 24 and has a Varaha mag I am on the mines in episode I and spaceship on episode II. I LOVE HUcasts!
  6. Congrats on the Boomas arm! Thats a great lower level rare to use for a while Autoheal will be a lifesaver later on as well. Good luck with the HUcast!
  7. Hey I decided to give up on the HUnewearl at lvl 19 (because I think I might go through some very hard challenges) and go back to my HUcast. I have the stuff my HUnney had so he is quite powerful. Also I found a Booma's right arm today can't wait to be able to do the unsealed door quest. Now I enjoy HUcasts more than when I first made one by the way my HUcast is lvl 9
  8. How's your HUney coming along? I saw you ditched the HUcast and went with her instead.
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