Conversation Between Cla and TetsuyaHikari

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah I figured that's what you would've ran into. But the fix is simple really. You need to make the background a color that is not used ANYWHERE else in the image. Me personally, I just use max bright green (if you enter your colors by number, it's decimal 000,255,000 or hex 00FF00). Then it's blatantly obvious that the color is not being repeated anywhere in the image. Once you have the image saved with a different background color, THEN you set THAT color as the "Transparent Color". When you select the Transparent Color, EVERY instance of a pixel that is that exact same color will be made transparent regardless of where it is in the image.
  2. Yeah, I know about transparent backgrounds. I just didn't really fully understand how to do it properly. I tried to, but it took some color from the face too, so it looked all screwed up for some reason, lol.
  3. Ah cool cool. They came out really good looking. I really thought it was some auto-generated thing you get from a website. Well anyway, if you want to have them look good on any background, I can easily turn them into PNGs and give them transparent backgrounds. (or easily teach you how to do it. Irfanview can do this VERY quickly)

    Did you actually pay for another char slot or did you just make another SEGA ID? If you made another SEGA ID, add me to your Friends List again. Also, add Terry. (SEGA ID Shin062) Kam started playing but I don't know his ID. (though his char is on Ship 7 anyway. Ships 1-5 are full for the time being) Hopefully I can play games with your new char since her level is closer to mine. (I'm assuming you don't want to come back to lower missions with Saber.) If you're wondering my levels, I'm Lvl 16 with Force, and 5 with both Hunter and Ranger. I don't mind tagging along lower missions to play with you. If noting else, I can work on the other Types and their specific Client Orders.
  4. The game, lol. I just took a screenshot and cropped the images. Granted, it only looks right on the "Blue Steel" background for the site, but meh. That's the only one I ever use :P
  5. Nice to finally run into you on here. In your sig, where'd you get those char icons from?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5