Conversation Between argh4430 and DoctorShanks

2 Visitor Messages

  1. I'll add your profile into the member list once I get home from work tonight. If you get back before I do, be sure to introduce yourself on the group page or in the chatroom. See you later.
  2. Of course you may! We're looking to find all the SH players we can get. Also I see that your main is a FOmarl; that's pretty rare among us

    I just have a few inquiries. Regarding our members list, it is much easier to navigate through it just by identifying ones avatar. So I'd like to ask that you adopt an avatar sometime soon (preferrably one that nobody else has :P). Also, until then you'll show up as a Question mark in the group page which is a little annoying at first. If you don't want an avatar, that's okay too, just let me know whether you are or aren't going to get one.

    One last thing I usually point out to those who almost never go online, and that is to always stick together and help each other out. This is usually hinted at our in-game rules portion of the information board. At the entrance to every room, the one with the highest level of Shifta usually casts it once everyone is gathered there (if you're playing your Force then it'll probably be you).

    And lastly, take note of the ever changing information board, read the rules, introduce yourself, and have fun with us =). I'll send you your invite now.
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