Conversation Between AdmiralPit and Shinji Kazuya

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks!
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Thanks!
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. A bit early on my end but t-thanks!
  6. Happy birthday Pit!
  7. 0903-2895-3694 on my end.
  8. I added ya. My friend code is 5069 - 4165 - 6030.
    Hope to see ya on Kid Icarus: Uprising soon.
  9. I suppose it wont hurt. I'm always eager to find more Kid Icarus competition once it comes.
  10. Hello. Can I add ya to my 3DS?
  11. Why um, thanks! I'll make it count.
  12. Have a nice birthday, Admiral!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12