Conversation Between Ame and DeviFoxx

9 Visitor Messages

  1. kk thank you Devi and how you been?me i been busy with school and tending to my cats Midnight and Jewel.
  2. Sorry for the delayed response. But to answer your question, Microsoft Word has the option to save as .PDF

    That's how I did it.
  3. devi i am trying to make a guide that is for the ps3,but the game is originaly for the msx computer and i was wondering how the guide can be made with adobe in the same manner that you made the guide for psp2i?my dad plays the game while i make the guide since he is the 'metal gear master'.the guide you made has helped me much and i want to try and do the same.arigato.
  4. already got to level 200 2000+ open missions later and i am rebirthing my eyepatched character.and i already have planed on what i will raise in stats.little hp/pp eva/def and tech.
  5. I'm really glad you enjoy it. Makes me happy to hear that.
  6. makes me sick how people are not as greatful that there is a guide for psp2i.the guide has helped me in many missions and honestly without it i would still be at point A.X_X
  7. well it does help me since i can get a better idea of what is what on there and it also is helping me learn japanese.
  8. Very glad that you've been enjoying it.
  9. just wanted to thank you for the psp2i guide for story mode in episode has been more help to me since i am getting more used to the game.thank you devi.:3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9