Conversation Between Rust and Elwain

10 Visitor Messages

  1. 'k, I'll check it out some time next week, as I came back from a pretty busy couple days a few hours ago and am pretty beat.
  2. I wondered, since I'm over there too. Elwain there as well. its pretty much the only username I use. while I guess if talking a lot is called active, then I am, but at at the same time, I think I only upload something once a month or so.

    Honestly, i think everyone needs to think that way. if your perfict, then you dont try. but then again, who am I to talk? I've never been perfict at anything. ok, not quite. I'm quite good at making lame excuses. :P

    Haha, at least you finish it. Ill get something about 50% done and then kinda drift off to something else. Then get that 50% and drift of again. it becomes an endless cycle of unfinished stuff.
  3. My username on dA is... Meudeujeu.
    I'm not very active on it, though.

    As in, I mainly use my dA account to host whatever drawing/photoshop stuff I came up with, check new submissions from people I watch, and that's about it. I hardly comment on anything or go browsing the site for new pieces, actually. Usually, what I upload on dA ends up in my (dead) thread in FanWorks around here.

    If you go check on there, don't expect anything too fancy. I don't think I'm bad at drawing, but I'm just decent at it. And I like to draw monsters more than anything else.
    My main problem comes from my very short attention span. I stay focused enough through the lining phase, then in the middle of the coloring process, I lose patience and rush it to have it finished. D:
  4. Your on DA? Whats your username there? (if I may ask)

    Heh, thx. I just wish I could get it all looking one way or the other.

    Color, yes color. sometimes its just the worst to try and deal with.

    Truthfully, I haven't got a clue. But because I got 4th, if there is a choice, I'll get whatevers left.

    Cool! I'll keep and eye out.
  5. That wasn't really a bad critique. Painting-like coloration can look very good IMO.
    There is a dude I "watch" on dA who makes pretty awesome oil paintings.

    Here, I was just wondering which it was, because some parts of the drawing hinted a paper drawing, and other parts the opposite.
    I'm way better on paper, myself (for more serious drawing than stick figures, at least), mostly because I'm used to draw in B&W with a black pen. I only started using PhotoShop some time ago, and I usually feel like my stuff is looking better in the sketch/lining phase, and turn into crap as soon as I begin coloring my drawings, because I lack techniques in that domain. :/

    Did you get to pick a figure for your prize, or are they sending you one randomly, btw?

    Oh, and if you liked the GOTY comic, I'm planning on doing similar ones that I'll post in the FanWorks section. xD
    They will be slightly more detailed and about another online game, but the kind of absurd humor will pretty much be the same. ;o Dunno when I'll start those, though.
  6. Heh, its kay. my style, as simple and unimpressing as it is, is probobly due to the fact that I have worked with paper for a looong time befor trying digital. jst cant shake some habits.

    on a side note, GOTY is WIN!
  7. Okay, I wasn't sure to be honest.

    The colors, especially for the scenery, looked like they could have been done with pencils or paintings, but at the same time, the outlines of the characters were looking so clean it made me think it actually was made on a computer.
  8. Nah, Digital. My scanner hates me.
  9. Thanks!
    Same for your fourth place. ;o

    You drew it on paper?
  10. Congratz!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10