Conversation Between Skye-Fox713 and Enforcer MKV

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks!
  2. Happy birthday, you magnificent bastard.
  3. Say, I know you love your bullpups, but it might be a good idea to look at the Lambda Strauss next time you're on, they're under 100k right now. Should snag one or two, just for something a little more powerful, maybe. And hey, the color falls in line with JOE.
  4. Hmm...I Compleatly spaced out on this in the Dossier. Here's the weapon list for Joe, and I have to ask did you go with Human or Beast for her race? As I left it up to you for how closely you want to follow PSO2's cannon lore.

    Primary Protraial Weapon - Vita Beam, red stripes on the weapon have been painted over to match the dark gray body of the weapon

    -Full Armory List-**

    Gunslash - Ein Mazurka

    Assault Rifle - Vita Beam, Fire Arms (for sniping if the operation calls upon a need for it), Vita Laser (Scope is removed in favor of a red dot optic for Mid range marksman ship, also has the same paint over as the Vita Beam. Think of it as an M14 marksman rifle)

    T-Mechguns*- Lambda Radiegle, T. Yasminkov 2000H

    * - Joe will never have a pair of Mechguns drawn unless the situation calls for a lot of rounds to be sent at the target(s).
    ** - All the weapons in Joe's armory are armed with High Velocity incendiary rounds. In game this would translate to Wind element with a Burn ability on the weapon.
  5. I just thought of this: is there any specific weapon you want me to portray Joe using?
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