Conversation Between Dallas3330 and kibademon666

12 Visitor Messages

  1. heres mine [email protected]
  2. watsyour E-mail or hotmail?
  3. ok i wish i have that
  4. Hello
  5. on the xbox
  6. yea so wat im just want to play and win that alll i want to do playing a game
  7. i know but dont worry about it im sort of new if u have the demo for the 360 ill be on there killing de ragen again and again ok on the 2nd universes
  8. but if i ever do want to meet somewere?
  9. im doing ok how about u
  10. to tell u the truth i don't go online
  11. hey how are u?
  12. hello
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12