Conversation Between Milla and darkamidamaru

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  1. o(≧▽≦)o HAPPY NEW YEAR!! o(≧▽≦)o

    /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    ??????????????????????????????/ATTACK ON TITAN Let's Play - YouTube
  2. Hasn't that game been out for a while now? i really like the artwork.

    Well my ego is bruised and one of my closest online friends is giving me grief but other than that im O.K. How about you? You keep pulling those vanishing acts and poor little Mutsumi gets soo worried about you~

    Yes me and Ahselia has been keeping a close eye on them; im soo annyoed that they released PersonaQ for the DS; all them Chibi characters look soo cute
  3. Lol I'm so over Pokemon I'm more of a Bravely Default player now, well when I get it anyway. >.>

    Mikasa is a fan favorite and has main character plot armor she can never lose! So how have you been? Dem new Persona updates are looking good.
  4. LMAO! Thanks, that’s just what I needed, I was feeling pretty grim this morning but I feel better after reading that. And believe it or not there are some Otakus that do that, they’re extremist and it’s still a mystery where they get all their money from.

    How’s Pokemon X & Y? I read your post about how you mastered the mini game in 30 minutes; it was really funny.

    Everyone was like…”30 minutes!?”
    ∑( ̄口 ̄)

    You were like…”that’s right ♫~”
    ( ̄ー ̄)v

    And I was like…”so that’s where you’ve been hiding”
    ( ̄。 ̄ )y- 〜

    EDIT: Annie Vs Mikasa - My moneys on Mikasa; what about you? I trust you know what im talking about.
  5. In my next life i will be re born as a Japanese Princess, there I will spend my vast fortune on collecting every anime/game memorabilia in existence. Unfortunately in my greed to own everything I will never be satisfied, my harmless hobby will become an obsession driving everyone i hold dear to me away leaving me alone with my giant collection.

    LOL I mean Hi! The Tales of Symphonia collectors edition looks really cool! I want it....I NEED IT!
  6. Yes it had spoilers, i hate that opening music too, sounds like something for the Queen of England >.<

    I gotta go too, i keep getting disturb and i got to take my lunch break now, from taking a break with talking to my friends

    I probably should do some work too, I think O_O
  7. I thought the new opening had some spoilers in it from the looks of it. The old one was better too imo anyway ima head off now. Was nice talking to ya take care.
  8. Sasha was my fav at first especially when i heard her anime-like voice (Yu kobayashi) but now they made her all frightened and stuff She was saved again from being eaten in the last episode

    OMG i though it was Annie too, theres a pic of a girl in the opening, her hairstyle is different though. Im still trying to figure out why the plant wasn't affect when Eren protected Mikasa and Armin when a canon was fired.

    EDIT: Its a really good model, im going to see if its avaliable at the next anime Expo.
  9. Awww dont post these things now i want um lol XD
  10. HeHe just wait :3 Mines gotta be Sasha she cracks me up, wish they showed more of her. Why do i have the feeling that shes gonna be eaten? I think Armin has an idea who the titan might be, like one of his classmates. I think its Annie it has like the same eyes plus it was kind of fishy that she didn't go with the rest of them, but Im prob wrong i normally over think things lol
  11. Posted on wrong page:

    "wow thats a traditional samurai outift, looks pretty good on her".

  12. This is what i want.
  13. Where im currenlty looking at the house prices & on average its £900 for a 1 room apartment, soo not affordable. I thought your pictures couldn't get any funnier~

    Oh they posted a date!? Ummm at the moment its Mikasa, i thought there might be a duo with her & Sasha aka potato girl. Levi is pretty funny too, being OCD and all. How about you?
    Did you watch the latest ep? i don't really understad what Armin was doing when he started screaming "avenge the friend that rushed to his death". It stopped the titan but i still don't get it.

  14. I like this outfit, it reminds me of the PLD armor from FF11
  15. Yeah i really wanna start collecting statues. Maybe when i get my own place. I post more pics of Xillia 2 when i go back to that. Theres still tons of funny stuff i need to show ya.

    Hmm it says on Gamefaqs the EU release date is 10/11/13 i dunno if thats just a place holder. Whos your fav character in AoT?
  16. Oh i understand now, i bet you can buy those statues for an arm & leg on ebay.....
    Oh darn i was starting to look forward to more pictures. I want to buy at least 1 Tales model and theEstelle one looks the best soo far.

    I think i will return to Dragon's Crown here & there but i should warn you the online mode throws you into any random dungeon, in other words you automatically joing a party currently on a quest. There is the friends list option but for that to work best 2 friends to arrange in advance. Oh and theres no release date for EU yet....
  17. I got the Day once edition as a free upgrade it comes with a fancy box and extras but no awesome statue. Theres no screenshot function in Xillia grrrr i guess its only for xillia 2. Its a a shame cuz i was gonna take some more pics, I had my usb stick ready and everything lol

    If i come across any funny skits ill let you know. I think Ill buy dragons crown when i can afford a vita. hopefully you still play it by then.
  18. You brought the excusive box set! wow now im really supprised. Stan outfit on Milla is soo perfect, hopefully they incorporated the screenshot function in Xillia as well.
    I recieved an artbook from Dragon's Crown too, play it all day yesterday on my day off.
    *Smiles* i agree, we keep drifting further & further apart it seems.
  19. Yep i got the Day one edition, comes with the soundtrack, art book and some dlc including.......Stahn outfit for Milla!! XD lol I normally get games 1 or 2 days early when i pre order from the game website. :3

    Im really annoyed i can't play Dragons Crown with you, theres no reason why the Vita and PS3 can't play together /sigh. When can the fabulous duo meet again?!
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