yes. i will. lol.
Dude! PSO2 finally coming to the West. You gonna be on?
I played but just for a day lol
i will
You need to play again!!!
Merry Christmas!
ah i see. but i do tend to stay on the furms just tochat around
Haha yeah, I figured I be like you haha. I've been playing so much lately! I play on ship 02.
What up. LOL I havent played PSO2 in a month. what have u been up to? I finally see your real you.
Dude, what's up? You been on that PSO2?
Dracos!! Long time!! I'm already playing PSO 2 on JP servers! It's awesome but might be thinking on getting it for US. Anyway happppy birthday!!!
Hey! Will you be getting PSO2?
Hows it goin? If I remember correctly you do not have PSP2 right? How are things going on PSU?
I try to check in when I remember! lol. Do you play PSP2? Recently all I've been playing are Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Gears of War 2.
lol. i guess you only log on here and there. nope they havent yet. just the beta. which im not going to play.
I know what you mean, I had school and worked 40 hours this week. Has PSO2 Been announced for U.S. release? It looks awesome and I will definitely be trying it out.
i still play PSU. i havent been on in a while though because of summer term. can't wait for PSO2 though. but i've been doing the usual. school, work, it never ends unless you go on vacation or win the lottery. lol
Hey! I just saw I had a notification for a message on my wall! I haven't been playing PSU lately or for a while actually, but I have been playing PSP2. How about you, whats going on?!?!
DRACOS!!!! been 2 years since my last post. how are u? still playing PSU?
I haven't played in a while, but I'm glad you remember me! Hows PSU going aswell as everything else?
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