Conversation Between ARChan and TERAGON1996

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Eh. I doubt it'll localize to English xD
  2. EN=english=/=England
  3. Eh, we'll see. I highly doubt it'll localize here...
  4. Well I know Project X Zone through MegaMan X and Zero. If the game hits the targeted sold products, they will create one in EN version.
  5. OH!!! OMG! That's just too awesome! >w< Project X Zone is a game crossing Sega, Namco, and Capcom. It's considered to be the sequel for Namco x Capcom, which is considered to be a TRPG. It's also for the 3DS. I wonder if there's going to be an american release o.o
  6. Oh. I don't mind. I just want an awesome desktop pic >w<

    Just to be honest, I'm actually not the purest of beings either XD

    And I've been to SankakuComplex before. That's how I found out about Gods Eater Burst <3
  7. Uh a place called sankaku, then type project x zone in the search box. Even though that place is full of nice pics, it is also filled with H stuff. Please don't think me as a pevert, I just go for nice artwork. Btw, the pic was from the trailer of the game which has been released in 3ds.
  8. PSST! HEY! Where did you get your profile pic? SOMA!!!~<3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8