Conversation Between Rayokarna and Leon-Sky

3 Visitor Messages

  1. whoah, I am a lil bit confuse about firmware topics =(, and yes Rayo I am still up to it. Project phantasy star is still active but I am currently caught up with the things that I need to do now so I will tap you if we proceed soon thanks by the way. I will make a list of the weapons that I'm lacking. So we will know where to start. Thanks and enjoy playing
  2. I'm using Coldbird's Overlap CFW on my OFW PSP. If you have that firmware, you can find a decrypted version of the DLC file you can use without having to access to PSN. By the way, do you still want me to take pictures to fill out the database?
  3. hello Ryo ^_^ I'm just wandering if there's any other way that I can download the gundam like armor aside going to psn via psp?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3