Conversation Between Stealthcmc1974 and NeutralCrow

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay, look up Stealthcmc1974 on Skype. I'll be there
  2. I'll have to change some stuff with my Skype (currently uses my name and I don't want to give that away just yet lol) but I'm game.
  3. Skype hell yea
  4. I've got Skype, steam, raid call, and I can get team speak. Take your pick.
  5. if you have something to voice chat maybe we can later on
  6. I just subbed you. Hard as hell to find considering you have no vids up yet lol
  7. Cool! I've been a little peeved with recording atm (have to start the second half of RE2 all over again because an hour of footage I recorded has no audio). But I enjoy it.
  8. yo i subbed to your channel on youtube i started becoming a youtuber same name as pso-world
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8