Conversation Between Alice112 and AlexCraig

168 Visitor Messages

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  1. That's okay. I was very sleepy today, haha!
  2. Worse?my bad language?
    Sorry Iam very sleepy yesterday
  3. Hey, could be worse *shrugs*
  4. I try to keep study (ugh)
  5. What have you been up to lately?
  6. Its beeen a while!
  7. Hey kiddo! How've you been? ^_^
  8. I don't have a PSP. Saw it at GameStop, though.
  9. Hi,Alex!Did u play PS Portable?
  10. Nothing much. Just woke up. Earlier than usual. Might play games or something.
  11. Hello Alex!
    What you doing?
  12. Ah. A lot of my prior games were just concept.
  13. I started my games year ago,and I make 6 games(4 games deleted, 2 games saved)
  14. It was a long time ago. So I have forgotten much and lost a lot of my drive to work on it.
  15. Oh....
    Well.... when you started make your game?
  16. It doesn't have a title yet. Not sure if I'm gonna finish it. Might just create a new game from scratch.
  17. What is the title?
    And I hope you can finishing ur game
  18. Ah. My XP won't work on Vista. Made some awesome maps and almost had a story going. But sadly, that didn't go well...
  19. I have XP too...
    But sadly its broken....
  20. Yeah. XP is nicer, though. Lots more options, no need for battle sprites, and the graphics are astounding.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 168
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