Conversation Between Crystal_Shard and GeoSword

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Youre welcome. Glad to be of help. ^_^
  2. Great! That's the one I have gotten. Thanks a bunches.
  3. Should be the 4/27 issue. The cover is bright red and has the Konami code plastered on it. I'd need to go home and doublecheck the issue number to be absolutely certain though.
  4. Hey Crystal. Quick question: Do you remember what Weekly Famitsu had the Gundam items?
  5. Ah. So I finally meet Ami as well. XD Anyway, catch you online another time.
  6. Oh, that's OK. Nice to get to play with you as well. Oh and Akumi is our resident Hyuga fan, Ami.
  7. Had to do something RL, so had to disconnect. Nice playing with you Geo Sword. Btw, any idea who was that Akumi we were playing with today?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7