Conversation Between Crystal_Shard and Wynn<3

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. No worries i've been pretty busy myself
  2. Hey Wynn. Sorry, been a bit busy over the weekend. What's up?
  3. Hello again Crystal
  4. yup same as NY time
  5. EST? Seems like the reference city is New York for EST. If you're online on PSOW now, can I check what time is is roughly for you right now? I'm sending this at 9 am in the morning.
  6. yeah hopefully and i'm eastern time and it's going on 5 pm pretty soon
  7. Indeed. We keep missing each other because of the timezone and schedules. Just to be certain, what is your timezone? I'm on UTC+8.

    The Gurhal Boost Road should be a good excuse to try and finally meet up.
  8. been playing Infinity, you need to meet up with me sometime
  9. Hi Wynn. What's up?
  10. hello
  11. Seems like I was either asleep or out of the house when your message arrived actually. ^_^'
  12. just online on Infinity, how about you?
  13. Hey there, Wynn. What's up?
  14. Hello Crystal
  15. In volume 2 of the free dlc, the male only costume called Imperial Cross has a non cast version. Refer to for more info.
  16. i have a question on the DLC outfits which one are the non cast outfits the first or second?
  17. ok sounds great ^_^
  18. Haha, it's still a normal working day over here. Seriously, we can try to meet up over one of the weekends, but weekdays are definitely a no go seeing as we are on diametrically opposite timezones.

    I'm on UTC+8 over here. Based on our previous exchanges, my 12 noon is your 12 midnight. I usually become free around 9pm ++ which should be your 9am ++. Maybe we can work something out along those lines?
  19. Busy? If not would you like to play?
  20. It's right in the middle of the afternoon here I'm afraid. ^_^ Still at my workplace.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 21
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