Conversation Between WildSevenBlue and Bitzen

8 Visitor Messages

  1. nah i think i just used up all of my luck in one night i wont be getting shit for the next three months
  2. Hey congrats! Now you can't complain about being unlucky for at least a few months lol
  3. i just got Sange, Spread Needle and the Yasminkov 3000 all last night
  4. ive been offlining it for a while and i still havent gotten that damn rebellion
  5. Yeah, but it's 3% light. I have a hyakka ryouran. Why even use it? The game just hates my guts.
  6. i cant believe you got the sange yasha.... now im really falling behind
  7. We pushed it...REAL GOOD.
  8. hey how is the Pushing?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8