Conversation Between Volcompat321 and Mikoto Saionji

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay, head's up: I signed onto MSN today and received IMs from your account in Spanish. It seems the problem still hasn't been solved. Just figured I'd let you know.
  2. Oh, you're most certainly welcome!
  3. Oh jeez!
    I haven't even touched MSN in forever!
    Thank you for letting me know!
  4. Hey, just a head's up... your MSN account is sending me spam IMs every time I come online. Either that or you've become a voluptuous Russian single girl looking for webcam action. You might want to change your password.
  5. Okay.
    I haven;t logged on in a while, but I'll get on soon enough!
  6. Hey, I added you on MSN, so if you see a name that looks rather unfamiliar, it's me. :P
  7. Hey, sorry to bother you again, but I was curious if I could have an estimate as to when I'll have my PSP2 file converted and sent to me. No rush, I'd just like to know when to expect it. Thanks again.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7