Conversation Between relentless and Kizeragi

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday, sparkle ally! ;o
    ~*Sparkles 18 times*~ =p
  2. Happy Birthday, my Princess Morte~ =P

    I will send your wallpaper when your home from school. xD Also other things maybe. ;p

    *hug* ^_^
  3. Thanks muchly!~ :3
  4. Happy Birthday, my sparkling elitist ally!
  5. Heya How are you then? Sitting on PSOW at college lol.
  6. Nanopoly prices are still like 400-500k o_o; So uh, still want some or not bother D: I'd speak on MSN but you iz away. ;o
  7. +1 visitor messages, and thanks. lol xD *laughs*
  8. You haz 1000 posts now. ;o
  9. My Ice Zagza came out 36% DX Also, Hi thar ;o
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9