Conversation Between GoldenFalcon and Alnet

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Well, I could make a small rant about the large amount of undesirable options
    But, if you think "I have to do such and such since doing otherwise sucks", that is a design flaw
  2. Since it's so earlygame, I'm not too concerned about the balance between the classes. If later on it shows that there's a huge discrepancy, I might have a problem.

    Overall, I'm enjoying it a crazy amount. They really have shown a lot of effort, which is all I can ask for.
  3. I'm liking it a good deal, but the balance is still way off
    I am concerned that they don't care
  4. Ah. D8 How unfortunate. Well, how are you liking PSO2 overall?
  5. No, I'm on Ship 8
    Meaning I can only play with people that I invited to the game, lol
  6. Yeah, sleep some of that off and get some stuff done, hopefully it'll be done around the time you're ready.

    Are you on Ship 2 too?
  7. Been playing the hell out of PSO2
    The next 17 hours or whatever are going to be boring as shit (hopefully 7 of those will be sleep though)
  8. You might have amnesia. But that's alright, I'm sure you'll remember after 30 episodes or so.

    So what's up? You been playing PSO2 or anything?
  9. I died? I don't recall a blimp
  10. Huh. ;o I thought you died in the blimp grease fire. I guess it takes more than that to kill you, huh?
  11. /poke
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11