Conversation Between Ark Waterfall and Rei-San

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Aww.
  2. Aw man... I just noticed that you're on the PS2. I'm on the 360 :\
    Bummer -_-
  3. Alright, awesome! I'll have to see what characters you have compared to mine then hehehe
  4. Hey ark, Got my PSU back. If you want to do anything let me know. I'm on PS2.
  5. Oh yeah, I think my old art sucks. but I was gonna make a new account soon though. And as far as getting my game back it should be in about a week.
  6. Hey there, thanks a lot! I hope to see you in the future then!

    Hehehe, you have a DA page too? Awesome.
  7. I find my self playing by myself as well. I'd love to help, but I can't get on my game for a while... But I'll get in touch with you when I get it back.
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