Conversation Between Candor and SpikeOtacon

6 Visitor Messages

  1. My drums are on the way out but I heard some nightmare stories about the RB2 drums so I might have to hold off on that a while.
  2. All my instruments are breaking >.> but i still plan to play it asap
  3. Yeah, I plan to go get that on Sunday. I've been piecing together the tracklist so I can learn all of the songs.
  4. yea no clue, i was actually talking to mackey about how sad it is we haven't seen you in so long (literally since we were teenagers).

    Maybe if we ever get a lan going again, with rockband 2 perhaps :O
  5. Ohay Candor, when are we gonna hang out again? It's been too long.

    And thank you. Birthdays WOO!
  6. Jeez how could I forget your birthday when we're one month apart.
    Happy Birthday!
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