Conversation Between ashley50 and Dragwind

12 Visitor Messages

  1. I know. So what?
  2. You has a hater...
  3. you should just close that thread...
  4. Good luck getting anywhere near her. Whatever is left of your circuits will be recycled and made into my new refrigerator.
  5. alright...I don't want to do this to Lunaeris but, you left me no choice
  6. Too late ;3
  7. Oh no you won't...bastard. You won't get close close to her.
  8. Its no matter, Kotori is tonights dinner, if you get what I'm saying. *nudge nudge, wink wink*
  9. Soul- less bastard? I wonder...
  10. Soul-less bastard is what you are.
  11. huuurrrr
  12. Ubwaa D:<
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12