Conversation Between Arika and -Aurora-

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. tried and nothing....
  2. Email, Junk mail ?
  3. I keep getting the stupid 650 error.....and sega hasn't sent me an auth key ....

    "Friend list"
    Adding / Removing Friends
    Adding / Removing Friends from the Visiphone
    It is there. It has everything, I already said that lol.
  5. im confused how do i add people as friends or get their cards
  6. Note : ID name = the unique name you input when you first start the game.
  7. Np, remember Oruis? he just started too, level 10 atm.
    Well other are kidda high except Ryno who has PC freeze issue and can't play = stuck as lv 8.

    Tell me your ID name. because I search it, and there are 4 ID name that has character name aurora.
  8. I'm lvl 6 lol
  9. I want to add you a friend, but there are 4x people name aurora, I dunno which lol.
  10. English community are spread out between 20-22. (well they used to be)
    but now SEGA make change to the system and rebel block 20-22 as "For lv 30-40 players"

    Which is why people spread out into more lobby proper to their level now. Still you get to see most English in 20. It will be similar to NA server there.

    I will add friend you, and you will see me.
  11. I did get into ship 2 but everywhere I go I see jp people...still trying to learn the game...didn't play beta...which block are u on?
  12. 2 of course, the best one and the place everyobody tried to get into.
    But it was first one to full, so if you are slow now, you need to look for ship-10 and then ship-7.

    Majority are in ship-2, second by ship-10, and now the newest one is ship-7.
    If you happened to register character on ship-2 in the past, you could come join my team.
  13. I'm on jp server too! What ship are u on?
  14. Good, I m happy on JP server.
  15. How are things?
  16. So long!, Aurora.
  17. hi rika!
  18. I just MSN you o_o
  19. hey rika....r u on ff14 yet? i went to palamencia server cuz fufme told me to go there
  20. u should check group msg a bit ;o
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