Conversation Between Mewnie and Alnet

9 Visitor Messages

  1. haha! Sounds good. Don't worry about killing me. The game seems to do that well enough due to the slight latency.
  2. I don't know how often you check on here, but this has been going on far too long. :U I've got to hunt you down ingame and have my way with you (read: do some missions and just hang around with, being totally chill) sometime. ;o I will find you... and I will kill you (read: be totally chill with, while hanging out and possibly slaughtering monsters for fun and profit).
  3. I call it how I see it.
  4. But I'm a space elf.
  5. I'll certainly try to be on more often! Be on the lookout, because if I catch you by surprise, I'm going straight for the cat-tats.
  6. Yeah, I've been paying again. Much better since beta!

    So I might be a higher level than you, ri- ahaha what am I saying.

    But really, get back here!
  7. I'm not a-- yeah, I suppose I am kind of a jerk. Sorry about replying so late, by the way.

    I haven't played PSO2 in weeks. I'm actually thinking of getting back into it since I need more stuff to do during the day while I'm on a more-or-less forced vacation. I'm downloading the updates right now. All ASDFGHJKL of them.

    That said, I'm hoping to play more frequently these days. If you see me, by all means feel free to grab my attention. Preferably without drawing blood, but I can understand if you do.
  8. Hey jerk. Do you still play at the weirdest times?
  9. Hai, Mewnie~!
    It may take you a while to see this, since I dunno how often you get on PSOW, but apparently, I'm on PSOW now. Who knew?

    Nice self-pics, by the way. I've got a little drool on my desk that I have to clean up, thanks to you... and I have to make my eyes change back from big red hearts.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9