Conversation Between Ovada and Temprus

74 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh crap, I'm late! XD
  2. Sounds cool. Good luck.
  3. Hihi Temprus!
    I'm planning on remaking PSU levels in another engine
    It's all in hopes that the super-fanboyism will look good on a resume for Sega XD

  4. -- -- Hiya. -- --

  5. Happy new years!
    Looking forward to another 12 times!
  6. ^.^
  7. Holy crap, another month! :O

  8. Oh, the absolute same. Though I'm playing BB a lot, I've been into PSZero and some Infinity at times.
  9. it's about that time again, lol. Time flies! D:
    I've been too busy to play games at all last month :<
    How are things on your end?
  10. Yep it's fun. I'm an old vet of ver1/2 and GC games after all, but it's taking some practice to shake the rust off. Especially party play as that was version 1 only (and that game lacked some of the basics like traps for casts).
  11. I'd likely buy the game, set it up on a desk all nice and pretty- and then download a version for a private server anyway xD Glad to see you playing with others though!
  12. Oooh, Blue Burst is awesome
    I would love it if I could find the old discs.
    I know I could just download it anywhere, but I want to physically own Phantasy Star games :3

  13. Oh, I've found that I can play Blue Burst on my laptop and remade three of my oldest characters (version 1 characters that actually went online and my GC RAmarl). I've been enjoying it since Thursday. Kinda been ignoring all other games (well, other than DQIX {which I've been playing recently again} and some Infinity {though PSO:BB has me doing the wrong commands in PSPo2i...
  14. Temprus!
    I grabbed White Knight Chronicles and Disgaea 4 this month.
    It's a nice distraction, but I REALLY have to finish my finals XD
    I've been doing anything I could to distract myself. What's up with you?

  15. Going fine. I'm too lazy playing Infinity though. I assume it's because I'm offline-only.
  16. Wish I could add a +1 to your wallposts below this one XD
    Oh well, I'm a little late to the thing this month >.< Class, class and class!
    How goes it?
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