Conversation Between Freshellent and Dragwind

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hmm, good question. I used to be addicted to energy drinks (as you probably remember) but I don't touch them anymore due to the unfiltered water + chemically derived vitamins they put in those things (which the body doesn't really like).

    I've been a fan of guayusa and yerba mate tea. Other than that, cold water I'd say. If you find anything else, let me know. I'm always open to new things.
  2. So in place of coffee/tea, what should I drink for energy?
  3. It seems Mike already took care of it. I just updated my post with my final thoughts on the video. Good job!
  4. Don't forget to lock the old thread! Please!
  5. Hope you had a grand Halloween as well.
  7. Epic jam?
  8. @s02OH JAM!
  9. Omg, I'm homies with a mod. I feel special. Your gonna do great man!
  10. Cool Hat.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10