Conversation Between Freshellent and Scline

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I was going to make some retarded joke about "Fresh Until Date Printed: 2099" but it was just too much work.

    Praise the sun!
  2. I have read some things about this Guild Wars 2 thing the people talk about, yes. I hear it will be full of Guilds and Wars, and perhaps the number 2.
  3. That never stopped. Btw, have you heard of Guild Wars 2? It's not going to suck, unless YOU suck at games. But I don't think that's the case.
  4. I haven't spoken to this dude since he was still telling everyone about Guild Wars 2.
  5. They see me trollin', they hatin'. Wish they were so grossly incandescent as me!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5