Conversation Between yumpoptart and SuKKrl

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm ready now. I can go to a specific place if you want.
  2. I'm on now, just need to get somehing to eat real quick . I'm going to log on in JP PSU and stay on my room while I eat. Sukkrl is the character's name.
  3. Hey hey I'm on right now, let me know if you're around
  4. I'm already online now, I probably will stay on the PC for several hours today, so any time is okay for me.
  5. Ok, sounds good
  6. Sure. I will probably get online early on Wednesday. I will send you a message here tomorrow so we can set a time to meet up on JP PSU.
  7. Heya If you need someone to play with on the JP server let me know, I'm working all day tuesday but should be around all day Wednesday and Thursday if you wanna meet up to exchange cards
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7