Conversation Between Ranmaru and Tessu

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. sup wit it

    i hope this message fills you with joy

    Not. ;p

    I just tested your loving care for me. : ]
  3. Merry Christmas Ranmarmoo. <<3
  4. Hey merry christmas. ;p
  5. HEY YOU. *pokes and runs away*
  6. Oh Happy birthday! Sorry if it was late xP. Now you are one year OLDER than you were before, congrajulations. :3
  7. Makes my world go round 2. :3 *openz HART*
  8. Supz? :3
  9. Thanks, You are much kooler, dawg. :B
  10. Droppin some love to your love ;o

    Erm, in other words
    ur kool olo
  11. Droppin sum love to your pro. <3
  12. Yay. :3 *hugs tessu* <3
  13. You're not a failure, dear. <3
  14. When Playing Videogames. Yes, I am a funny, silly man, but I lack maturity, and IM PROUD DAMN IT. D:

    Anyways, how is u? :3

    (I know I also don't make much sense, sorry xD)
  15. When are you NOT hyper? :J
  16. Dats LEIK OMG KEWL. I felt hyper today. XD :3
  17. I fink I'll skip out on being bored ;3
  18. My Boredness will NEVA EVAH stop. Want to join me in being bored? :3
  19. Hewo! God I spent alot time with PSO today, I'm almost at ultimate yays! Devil/battle I have found. :3
  20. As you should know, I had drawn a picture of the apartment! You and all others shall see it NOW. Its in my profile. :P Spread the word, leave a comment lol.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 34
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