Conversation Between qdd and MSAksion

10 Visitor Messages

  1. It's Tsume. I'll try, but my comp would probably freeze again. But we'll see.
  2. Hiya Q. hmm... what is your name on EXTEEL again? Wanna try that with mewnie and pandora and sryche and me and lando one night?
  3. All righty, mail me when you've arranged everything and I'll be there.
  4. WOOT. So everyone's getting all the nice things now this is GREAT =D

    HEY Q - Milo really needs help with EGG hunter just like he was talking in the new Falz Mission. I'm going to take him and Koji - Koji is looking for that EGG Kubara Broadsword. Youre real good with EGG, so is Kisaragi and Jadgpanzer. I'll mail you when the 3 of us are ready =D
  5. Also, me and Cal have gotten his Kazarod. I'd like to thank you and the rest for helping him out. We both appreciate it~
  6. Yeah, just wait it out. It'll all be worth it :3
  7. You sure are a gentleman =D the hoshi-kikami will wait for the synth bonus. 86% is too risky with SEGAC invovled =D
  8. Q - XD koyori and i did a DAS2 run and still no luck - we passed out afterwards. We try secretly to find that kazarod for youse =3
  9. Oh, no prob~ :3
  10. =3 Q thank you for joining me =D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10