Conversation Between Zero-Sensei and Sol_B4dguy

6 Visitor Messages

  1. There is a new Legends....on JP cell phones. DX

    I guess I'll just content myself with the ZX series. And shooters. Many shooters.
  2. D= I wish there was a Legends 3. *Sigh.* Would have rocked hard.
  3. Lack of a Legends 3 makes me a sad fan. D=

    There's always ZX I guess...
  4. Yeah. D= I'd love to have played as Protoman in many of them... Oh, oh Megaman Legends! Hahahah! Yeah.. That'd be hot. >>
  5. Heh, Zero's cool and all, but Protoman (or Blues if you prefer that) was always my fave, with Bass/Forte a close second.

    Too bad Protoman wasn't playable in many games. D:
  6. D= Megaman! I <3 Zero. =D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6