Conversation Between Vanzazikon and jmanx

19 Visitor Messages

  1. hah! gheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  2. Stop being fat.
  3. Jwoman
  4. r u ok?

    Make that four, homey
  5. I'm just giving you three notifications
  6. Yo Jman, make Akuma do a Hadoken
  7. not banned yet? wats taking so long?
  8. All hail the king, baby.
  9. Vanny update on the avatar see now this one is going to be permanent!
  10. oh ho, I am amazed.
  11. What kind of custom avy is that? You sir have failed me.
  12. You nub! =P Have a good day, Jman.
  13. apparently so.... I didn't know we had this posty thingys lol
  14. What? You just barely checked my profile? ;____; xD
  15. oh so vanny.... how about them present... Yep i still have em
  16. OH I got your message from way back lol *checks pso info* OMG its you VANNY!?!?!?!

    Hai lol I dont be here much :3
  17. How's the present business?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19