Conversation Between Eleidon and Ffuzzy-Logik

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Neophyte Redglare fucking owns at this game.

    (Upward Movement was originally called Dave Fucking Owns at this Game. The name was changed for some reason a long time ago. I am explaining this joke to you. That is what this is.)
  2. Insert disc 2, Iluvatar.
  3. Sorry, I am still trying to comprehend how fucking retarded this place is.
  4. Dude, this is PSOW. Sig pictures of naked underage anime chicks covered in blood? Perfectly fine. Sarcastic humor? HOW DARE YOU, SIR!
  5. Respond humorously to a dumb thread, deleted. Post about cocks, nothing.
  6. Nah, it doesn't really matter what account I'm on. Not being pestered by despicableMexican everyday is a plus, too.
  7. Well, that's fucking stupid. I'll just chill on this account until whenever, probably forever.

    And yes, I will join you.
  8. Here's what happened:

    Some guy made a lame joke that didn't make any sense in context ("you should change your name to cpt obvious durr hurr hurr"), someone saw it (probably Ryna) and decided to actually change your account name.

    Your login didn't work because your username changed. Just use the new name with your old password (if you can), and it should be ok.

    Also, play PSU with me.
  9. HELLO, I FUCKED UP BIG TIME. Logged out of PSOW by accident, forgot my password, then forgot the E-mail I used to register my account. good lard...

    And now Ishia is Cpt. Obvious. I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9