Conversation Between Koiwai_Keiji and Typestatic

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi! It has been awhile, lol @ your k-on/fist of the north star pic xD It's awesome!
  2. Awhatup Keiji! It's been a rong rong time, been alright? o:
  3. Drop... Fire... Gemini... Burning Divide... SAYOKO!!!!
    Your kamen rider vid posts are making me want to make a cast, don't have infinity yet though >.<
  4. Woahmg great find!! It actually works for the Wabers' XD
  5. Check this out type:
    I thought this one was pretty neat and funny xD
  6. Heya Keiji, merry belated holidays but have an awesome new year!! Hope to see you all again once infinity poops itself out~ Peace!!
  7. Have a merry x-mas type! ^0^ v
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7