Conversation Between Fiohna and Alizarin

17 Visitor Messages

  1. I've heard of it before, but I haven't looked into it in any particular detail. Lately I've been falling out of that style of gaming especially since the style stops becoming appealing after playing so many free-to-play-but-with-cash-shop online games. I also barely have a computer than can handle it as I want to (and I'm always a few steps behind when I do upgrade). It does look interesting though, the graphic style reminds me of the PS2 Castlevania games.
  2. Shiina, you seem to play a lot of MMOs so I'm curious if you have played Requiem: Bloodymare. I've been playing it the past week or so and think it's decent. A bit glitchy here and there, but it seems pretty high-quality for a free MMO (made by Gravity, too!). Overall, the controls, user interface and level up/class structure is basically a mix between World of Warcraft and Lineage II (I don't know if you liked or played those games).
  3. I'll probably go for at least 3 more staves, and maybe spend the rest on PA fragments. I want to get Killer Shot for Aster and the Twin+Double Saber PAs for Ali.
  4. Meant to post here, not on my message board...

    I'm aiming for a few Pushans, and a few Chao Staves. :3
    I've already gotten everything I wanted, so it's just extras now(except Pushan, I didn't log on the last day of MAG1 because I thought the reward mission would be around afterward).
  5. Luckily they decided to extend it another week due to a Japanese holiday on that supposed maintenance day, so there should be enough time to get things done.

    Personally, I plan to get the rest of my alts up to S-ranking level and then see how high I can get my CAST before the event's over. Plus, more Chao Staves.
  6. Good to hear! I don't think 065 is going to be happening again (I HOPE NOT!), and we just had the 060 happen (quite possibly because there was no maintenance last week). I don't think something else will happen so soon, but they might want to pay someone OT to stay over the weekend to fix any problems, just in case... >.>

    Sadly, I'll be gone for pretty much the first week of MAG2 (I'll be available for the first Friday and Saturday) due to a camping trip that was planned almost half a year ago. Can't cancel those plans just for MAG2, but there will be 2 more weeks when I get back, so I'll be content with that. :3
  7. You know it! I might have less time to spam them as before, but when I think about it I was on usually late afternoon/nighttime anyway. X3

    Also, provided that nothing else happens then we're good to go.
  8. Shiina, are YOU ready for MAG2?! :3
  9. It'll be a little while before we see an International beta, which will give me time to grab a new computer. As it stands, I can barely play it. It looks pretty in still shots, but movement almost kills that look.
  10. I've watched a few videos of people fighting porings (or what appear to be porings) months ago, and the battle system looks sort of like a pain... It appears as though you run away in between attacks and run just in range to hit something, then run away some more. Once it's done with beta and we have some US servers, I'd be willing to give it a try, though I doubt I'll play it much.
  11. All I really do there right now is spend time doing emotes, as doing anything else is a considerable lagfest, with chance of error.
  12. After I asked, that's what game I thought it was from, but I saw very early beta videos of it that weren't very high quality. I'm glad to see that the game has some relatively high-resolution textures.
  13. RO2, currently beta mode.
  14. What game is your Expression Collection picture album from? It looks interesting.
  15. That's good to hear! I'm glad to see a bunch of my friends from PSU on here! : D
  16. Hello there~ doing OK over here. :3
  17. Shiina! How are you?! : D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17