Conversation Between Fiohna and ThaiSoup

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Actually Retardadins are OP now, they are mana efficient and they weren't fixed enough apparently. Once this month of mine dies, I'm taking a long break again from WoW. I get bored of it too easily, and Blizztards lack of "balance"
  2. Ret pallies have been hotfixed (at least in live) so they can't do insane burst anymore.
  3. Oops, I didn't check Endy's page in awhile. Nah, I wasn't personally in the beta. But I did play my friends account here and there. That already got nerfed, as rogues already get beaten with the nerf bat like they were the red headed step child. Whats OP is, I seen a Death Knight two shotted by a Ret Pally.
  4. So violent Mio :/
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4