Conversation Between TehSexyZ and EspioKaos

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Only on the JP servers. O:
  2. Dude...Do you still play? Cuz it would suck if you quit...D:
  3. I'm planning on playing some more tonight. You, Kylie and Xellos better be on!
  4. Sexy beast! D:
  5. JP servers. D: My local account expired last week, but I'm going to be renewing it soon since I've got a long weekend ahead of me.
  6. Your PSU knowledge is SEXY!! :O Also..Where the hell are ya? BE ONLINE MORE! >:O
  7. Heh heh! I had a blast last night.
  8. You know we gotta party like that more often. You and Kylie make the utimate party! XD
  9. It's cool, you're a busy man. xD
  10. (Ack, forgot to reply last night!) Hey!
  11. Hey, how goes?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11