Conversation Between thematesV2 and Andy1423

4 Visitor Messages

  1. sup Andy
  2. hey man, sorry i didn't get on at all last night, i was jurying some short animations for this years columbus international film awards..

    when is MAG2 over? I'm thinking of making a protranser here in the future, would like to play as something other than hunter/fighter/gunner
  3. ha, nice. hey, I'm not too bad. got myself a masamuneec, or whatever, last night after i left your group, went and bought it for ~ 100k. man those things look sweet.

    I think i'll pick up another one, or two, down the line.

    anyhow. yea, I just got back on here the other day, cannot access my old account, because it was through ccad's e-mail, and they switched from [email protected] to [email protected]... so my old e-mails are all gone.

    and they send the password confirm to the old e-mail address.

    anyhow, it's awesome to be getting online and seeing someone I know playing.

  4. hey whats up man. lol. I saw your splash the other day and didn't even realize it was later
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