Conversation Between zfighter14 and MetaZedlen

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. I won't be on until tomorrow...
  2. hey MZ.. wanna hop on BB real quick and do the trade?
  3. I hope I'll be able to get on tomorrow, because if I can't, then I won't be on all weekend...

    Damn relatives and their weddings...
  4. lol thanks man.. i appreciate it i"ll be on soon.. tomorrow.. most likely if i dont see you tonight
  5. Ok, I FINALLY got it done tonight, so whenever you're going to be on, I'll try to be on to give you your new toy.
  6. lol its cool. np really. just message me when you ready to trade
  7. Well, I guess you don't need that RAmarl, being that you now have a Blue Diwari, so it should be at 200 within the next few days.
  8. Well, we shall see how fate will treat me tonight...
  9. That'd be sweet to find one with 45 hit untekked haha GOODLUCK!
  10. Nope, nothing yet, but everyone will know when I find one, especially with Hit%

    Speaking of which, I had a dream last night where I found one with 45 Hit untekked... that would be AMAZING.
  11. Ok all good lol. any luck on Faust?
  12. OH wow, surprised I missed this last night...

    As long as I don't get side tracked, it should be ready to evolve to Diwari later tonight.
  13. Hey meta! whats new? hows the mag feeding going?
  14. ok i made a character. RAmarl. Skyly. so i got her made now
  15. i'll have the character made tonight.. anddid you mean like you'll have it at lvl 200 tonight! or lvl 100 lol?
  16. I already have a MAG I'm working on, so I'll just need your character made, but it should still be a few days until I get it there, unless I cram it all tonight because I'm going to be gone Friday and Saturday, but being that you want a Diwari, this will fly by after lvl 100
  17. Ok so you want me to make a Female RA thats a yellowboze, Pinkal, or Skyly. and do you want a mag from this character? or do you have one already?
  18. Ooh ok. so like you get D/C'd alot or something?

    and hmmm. i like the Nidra mag cause its what i've been using since my GC.
    but like are you talking about With a mag cell or just a normal level up?

    if a normal level up is what your talking about i would like a Rati if its not too much trouble..
  19. It wasn't so much computer trouble, but it was my piece of garbage cable modem...

    It hates ethernet cables for some stupid reason, but for now I'm just going to do what I've been doing and get back to work on my Faust/Yas2kH hunt and raising your MAG, and also, what rare MAG do you want?
  20. Hey how's your computer coming?? Haven't seen you on pso or bb in a while
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