Conversation Between Fuerra Lyon and Lobos

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Nah im avoiding making my house ghettoish. Put too much hard work into remodeling it. But I got that 360 elite and its pretty awesome I believe. Expensive as Fugg when I bought it tho.
  2. damn man >.> thats like 100 bucks >.> which now adds up the the price of a ps3! :O lol 360 fails beyond anything :/ lol i have mine cuzi got it cheap and cuz of halo back then >.> im getting a ps3 later on tho >.> i want to watch blu ray lol (gladiator feels like im there with maximus!!! lol) just get a 100 foot cable and run it thru the ceiling get a mexican like lobo to do it
  3. I need one of those wireless adapters for my 360 at my new house x.x One of these days ill get one lol
  4. hey man whats happening havent seen you on 360 lately ;x hope you good ive been on cod more often now
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