Conversation Between Epically Leet and Waki Miko Syamemaru!

5 Visitor Messages

  1. My last date visited was the day before you posted on my profile. I never replied to it, and it was such an amazing post... </3

    We'll see if you see this... Your last activity is 2011...
  2. HEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAA! The Mighty Whitey Miko is all up in yo' style profile! Droppin links, makin em plink, hopin they don't dink! Futuristic Handguns: 2 shots for the shot of one! Shiggidy shiggidy shwa with the mop! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE STYLE!
  3. Awesome to hear!
  4. Awesome to hear!
  5. You need to stop posting vids of all these awesome metal bands. My mind has already been blown by Absinthe and I'm really digging Scar Symmetry.

    Yea I've become a Scar Symmetry fan in just one, easy to listen too, song! It was Billy Mayes guarunteed to blow my soul.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5