Conversation Between Alice112 and SStrikerR

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Really?
    Wow,Im so excited!!!
  2. Hey Alice! I heard that PSZero is going to be translated and be realeased in winter of 2010. Really late, but at least they're planning on it right?
  3. Im fine........
    Litle busy with my school.
  4. Hey Alice! How are you?
  5. Well,Iam fine now....
    I glad back to my lovely home!
    About Blue Burst,okay!
  6. Hey Alice, sorry I haven't really checked my messages lately. How have you been lately? I heard you had to go to the hospital, something to do with your heart. How's that been? (I can relate, I had heart surgery myself in November)

    Also if you want to play PSOBB sometime let me know, I'm on almost everyday!
  7. Just say HI!
  8. Well....
    I just little bored (I mean soooo bored!) in my day
  9. Good, but I've been away for a while? How about you?
  10. Hey.........
    Long time not chatting....
    How are you?
  11. Ya,thanks!
  12. She got my hair color right too o.o
    The only problem I saw was the second R in my name disappeared. Oh well, I'm just happy to be in it
  13. And hey if you can't see anything neither can I, the only person I'm older than in that picture is you.
  14. Hey great picture, I was surprised to see myself in it! =O
    You draw far better than I do haha.
  15. Thanks for the coke and the pizza Hmmmmm, Well Raiko gave you my idea so...your present is a ie:
  16. Ya...Weird...
    By the way..TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY
    Enjoy this cake,and this coke

    Give me a present!
  17. Oh wow I never saw the 112 after your name before. My Username used to be my name then 113. Weird.
  18. Thanks...
    And thank tou again for helping me in day ago
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 22
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