Conversation Between Wayu and Mamimi-San

117 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Over the month I got a Guld and a Milla no percent.... and a Excalibre 38% lightning. I got a Saika Hyori 12% lightning. A Demonic Laevatheinn 67% dark then a Ma'dan Mistilteinn 34% ice a Peacemaker 0% a Tension Blaster 22% dark. Thats all.
  3. ?

  4. Bye.... Forever
  5. It's most likely a Pioneer ship. That's all I can say ATM.

  6. now way then im not that excited any more >.>
  7. Yeah, I saw that. I don't think it's Pioneer 2...seems more to be Pioneer 3, since that was confirmed to have been sent out but contact was lost.

  8. omfg u c that awesome pspo2 infinity cm there on home i like the pioneer 2 part >.<
  9. Troll.

    It's okay. NBD.

  10. yeh srry
  11. The 'no friends' part kinda stings...but I had just resumed using this account after like a year.

  12. well i was sending u personal messages a lot you know and then i was like u have no friends on here yush
  13. Orly? Can't remember who was my first 'friend' on here. Oh well.

  14. nope i rem being ur first friend i was like no friends ADD >.> lol
  15. Gonna answer some of those.

    1) Xelor was my first 'friend' on here, I'm pretty sure. Troll'd xD.
    2) I've answered the SAME QUESTION 6 TIMES in the past 24 hours...
    3) I doubt I'm gonna become a mod. I'm only active in the PSP forum.

  16. oh Wayu i remember when i was your first friend and now youve grown so much *cry* . Now you answer like every ones answers *cry* you just might become a moderator your growing up so fast *aww*
  17. eh eh lol idk i typed that as being bored ...gawd i did that first story mission 17 times and still normal ending
  18. ...

    Wait, what?

    If you've been following the forums, I've been trying to figure out how to set up my PSPgo so I can play online. I have heard that it's absurdly laggy on a PSPgo, however, and last time we discussed YOUR internet's laggyness.

  19. so you know along time ago i said get online and your like ill try and then your like its to laggy ... but now your like its my settings say what

  20. I see.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 117
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