Conversation Between Cloud Strife and Ryno

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy 27th Birthday Cloud Strife!!

    wow! un beleiveable! time has flown by seems like I jsut said it last year! seriously!
  2. Wecome much friend!
  3. thank you
  4. Happy 26th Birthday Cloud Strife!! It felt like I just said happy Birthday from last year. And the year before.. I still remember greeting you happy birthday from the past years.... Lol
    Damn.. already your birthday!?? Were getting old as the days go on... Or should I say getting younger if we keep having fun!! Happy Birthday Friend!
  5. thank you so much ^_^
  6. Happy Quarter Century Cloud Strife! I hope you have a Fun fun fun! 25th quarter Birthday!
  7. thanks ryno, i bought a 9/9 agito repca 28% ground for 90mil, im happy
  8. Happy Birthday!

    Cloud Strife!

    I hope You have a GREAT Birthday!
  9. you too my friend
    hey, do you know if its possible to buy a 10/10 50% ice agito repca and how much would it cost?
    thanks for the help
  10. you're welcome cloud strife!
    Nice to meet you! =)
  11. thank you^-^
  12. Welcome to PSO-world!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12