Conversation Between Cloud Strife and Dysentriata

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  1. yes, i took my guardians license off PSU for now cuz PSP2 is waaay better, plus sega sucks with updates on PSU and me and everyone else is getting tired of the lack of updates.
  2. I havent logged on to this site in forever lol
    I missed a lot.
  3. Yeah Final Fantasy is fun. I have FF8 but no disc 2, so I won't be able to beat it.
    Still, PSU is one of the greatest RPGs I've ever played, along with FF so I'll be sticking to these two games for a long time.
  4. to be honest, i haven't really looked into phantasy star portable and probably won't. PSU is all i need atm til they make a better one done the road or something. so i don't really know anything about it. its nice to be rich in PSU, isn't it? well, im always spending when i can, but i basically got everything, and im broke atm. i have 21mil, thats being "broke" for my standards, the stuff i want is too much but its cool anyways. im not playing psu anymore til they come out with another big event...i played it too long and need a break, its been about 4 months straight since i've been playing it. i started again back when the lightning carnival first started, each event lasts for about a month. after the lightning carnival there was the shred of darkness(as you seen if you saw my psu musashi vid)then what just pasted was the summer event(yea, that was the actual name of it lol)so yea, need a break. lately i've been playing megaman 2 hacks, rockman no constancy and megaman ultra, they're pretty awesome and the music are baaaadassssss! lol
    im also gonna be starting FF7 again, its been like 5/6 years since i last played it, and with dissidia around the corner, i must play it again.
  5. I'm playing offline, so I don't get all that much stuff, although there still is a lot in the game. Rare spawns are like 10x harder to get offline, which explains why I have so much trouble. By the way, I was thinking of getting Phantasy Star Portable. Is it any good? Well of course its good cause its PSU but is it outstanding?
  6. hmmm, are you playing online or offline? it looks like things work differently on yours, you got guld & milla from a drop? O_O
    it's a lot tougher to get them for online or AOTI, you cant get them on a drop, you gotta first get a Guld, then a Milla, then a twin grip...its takes a lot. when the guld & milla's first came out, this guy offered to pay 750mil for a 10/10 one!!! O_O
    its crazy!!!
  7. Thats good to hear! I found Guld & Milla twin handguns yesterday, too! Dropped from a Grass Assassin. Got a Chao Staff from the same stage, too. So you played nonstop, huh? Awesome.
    It also looks like you have a lot of meseta. I'm also rich...
  8. well lets see, i played the event from day 1, all the way to the end non-stop. i've gotten a lot of stuff, surprisingly i manage to obtain 4 Milla's from the jigo boomas, took one of them, with the Guld pistol i already had from the shred of darkness event, and turned it into the Guld & Milla twin pistols, the best in the game. the other 3 milla's, i sold 2 for 99mil and the other one for 105mil. i must've spent over 500mil altogether during the event, so my god lvl is even more godly lol
    nice! i love bil de axe's, i have a couple of them, i recently bought one for 15mil, 5/9 38% lightning, but i love my 10/10 23% ice ank buti i paided 60mil for, its got an attack stat of 1840!
  9. Well after doing about 30 runs of Desert Terror, I finally got a Bil De Axe, and I've been using it nonstop ever since. Its slow, but I don't mind. You find anything interesting during that event?
  10. wow, its that bad huh?
    thats too bad to hear, but you gotta get'em at some point.
    today or tomorrow is the last day of the event, and i got megaman all the way up to lvl 76^-^
    he's really awesome and im glad i made him.....and no more deleting characters and starting over!! this is the last time and my roster is finally complete with god characters lol
  11. Had a dream the other day about finding a Jigo Booma. I'm telling you man, I'm gonna end up losing my mind over this game lol
  12. lol, psu is a big part of my life...and yes, im fine lol
  13. umm.. are you ok? lol
  14. lol, i just deleted my lvl 115 lenneth valkyrie character...don't ask lol
    i created megaman lol
    i kno, im crazy O_O
    thats the 3rd character i deleted, first i had Squall Leonhart lvl 133, deleted him
    second was Tifa Lockhart lvl 85, deleted her.....and now this lol
  15. Well then, I guessed you've pretty much mastered the matrix in this game, then.
  16. i have a lot of favorite weapons, but right now im into a pair of Crea Doubles+ 9/9 35% ice i just bought for 80mil, its god!
  17. Very generous of you, but I have yet to download the expansion pack. But yeah in the PS2 version, theres a monster in the Electronic Brain mission that drops it, but he's really rare.
    So, do you have a favorite weapon in the game, or something?
  18. i have like 12 dark wings from last event O_O
    i'd give you one if you were on the 360 version
  19. hmmm, it might be different for the PS2 version, not sure...cuz nothing drops the dark wing, the only way you can get it without buying it from player shops is to trade in 99 megispheres.
  20. Actually I was talking about Dark Wing. I've been playing offline looking for it, but no luck. It will come up eventually. Also, I gotta find those rare rappies to get that Holy ray again. I sold the last three I got, not realizing how rare the weapon was. Now I feel like an idiot for not testing the weapon out before selling it.
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