Conversation Between Star_girl_220 and Seth Astra

123 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh, and do you use Skype? That is probably the best way to reach HU and I.
  2. I go by Sethlevin. You'll usually see me in a gray longcoat or a black robe. Also, you should stop by the chat more often. Especially since, well, I'm there more than I'm here these days.
  3. :P I've missed you too You should tell me your Mabi name I am actually trying to get on there right now but I am kind of being unsuccessful :/
  4. Ah, yeah. It would be great if you were around more often. I've missed ya.
  5. Mabi, I have not played that game in forever! The game I have been playing is Diablo III It has been so long since I have been on here. I just finished my school year, so hopefully I will be on here more often
  6. *Le gasp!* Not bad. Been a while, huh? I've been buisy, but okay. Got back into Mabi recently... Oh, I've started playing Mabi, BTW.
  7. Hey how are you?
  8. Chat?
  9. Chat?
  10. Chat?
  11. I figured out why you didn't see me. I was on the old chat, i am on my desktop which had the older chat in the favorites. But i am glad that i now have it in there now
  12. Just look on the second page of TGZ, in BLB's post.
  13. Send it to me incase i dont
  14. Do you have the wrong link? I'm not seeing you on.
  15. I would love to
  16. If you got time, would you like to come to the chat?
  17. From what my mom's told me, my Fine Art course (what I have now) is at or beyond a "writing intensive" college course. :/
  18. That sucks, hope i catch you in the chat. Lately i can not catch anyone when i happen to be on.
  19. Hey miss. Sorry I havn't been able to catch you or doc. I'm still not done school. Been working late.
  20. Hey
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 123
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